En-gediChildrenHome SUMMER HI-LITES - En-gedi Children's Home
En-gedi Children’s Home

Summer Hi-lites

“I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength for my work. I thank him for considering me worthy and appointing me to serve him” (1 Timothy 1:12)This update is for all of us who have joined hands in rescuing children with disability from hostile environments, giving them love and care, educating their families and the community to accept and love such children and to keep connected with the Lord God our maker and sustainer for “…each of us will give an account of himself to God” Rom. 14:12.
Girl Lavency went back to her mother and the mother allowed me to share her testimony.  She had finished high school and had gotten some office skills training when still single she got this lovely baby who didn’t grow as a normal child.  She got help from her older sister who opened her home to her and her baby.  She however had to live there and also be a nanny to her sister’s kids and a house-help who would do all housework every single day.  When I took her child in last year in November, she had been house-bound for 3 years.  She wanted my help so that she could be free and get out and look for a job that she always dreamed for – an office job.  She got that job in mid April and she notified me with jubilation.  She was very thankful to En-Gedi and assured us that she was now able to take care of her child afford the necessary care for Lavency.    I thank God for this re-union of mother and daughter. Angel stayed with us for 3 years and her parents worked casual jobs in some factories near us and lived in some low income area.  Both lost their jobs and moved back to their villages ways away towards western Kenya.  They assured me that they had fully accepted Angel into the family and would love and care for her.  Our phone conversations since Angel left have not proved otherwise.  I miss both girls and have a tough time not seeing them every day, but like those of you who have been foster parents, a time comes when we have to let go – especially if its back to a loving and caring family Mwangi James joined us a week ago.  He is 6.5 years old, has severe Cerebral Palsy, severely malnourished and weighed only 7 kilo grams.  He is on a special diet and like all the others, he has found a loving home. Mwongela is also new at En-Gedi and has severe Cerebral Palsy.  He also has chest complications and both parents wanted children’s home where they could place their first born son.  They are expecting another baby and both told me they didn’t know what to do with Mwongela.  Hopefully, they will at one time be able to take him back home. In our on-going community awareness to disability initiatives, we went out with 3 of our kids to the village and were hosted by a family from where one of the kids comes from.  The kids love to be taken out on such visits, and people always learn something new about love for special needs children. During part of April into the beginning of May, we did some professional dental care for the kids whose milk teeth had delayed coming out and also undertook mouth and teeth cleaning. For many kids, our daily teeth brushing has been easier as they are now opening their mouths a bit better.

For new Mwangi, who is so malnourished, there is hope for change.  Compare the two children below:





Very special thanks to all of you for being part of this life changing ministry.  The Lord bless and keep you in His care.   For those of you who’ve been able to visit us, thank you for your time with us.  We always have something that you can do with the kids when you come to us.  

Praises and prayer requests:  a) Thank God with us for the two kids who have rejoined their families – that God will protect them and keep them in loving care; b) thank God for health of both the kids and the care givers.  We have not been to the hospital this year and pray that we will continue to be healthy.

Prayer needs: We need a vehicle (a Van) so that we are able to go out with more than 3 children to Church and for community visits. My vehicle that I use is able to carry 3 wheelchairs and a maximum 4 kids.  Feel free to start giving towards this goal.  For those of you in North America, you can give through Set Free Ministries and receive a tax receipt.  SFM website is currently under reconstruction, but you can give thru checks.   You can also do a direct bank wire transfer, and I would be happy to give you the instructions for that. 

To donate by check, please make your check payable to:Set Free Ministries
700 36th St. SE, Suite 108
Grand Rapids, MI 49548 US

Please indicate En-Gedi on the memo line.

For those in Kenya, you can give via M-pesa or direct bank transfer.

Warm regards to you all, 

Margaret Njuguna

En-Gedi Children’s Home  

P.O. Box 763-00204                       

Athi River, Kenya


Tel. +254-710-395756; +254-733-972027               website: https://en-gedichildrenwithhope.org

With all my heart I try to serve you; keep me from disobeying your commandments. (Psalm 119:10)

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