En-Gedi Children’s Home June 2024 Newsletter

Receive warm greetings our dear friends and partners in ministry. Our caring and loving God has been with us, protecting us and providing for our needs. Our last newsletter was in March just before the heavy rains, flooding and the devastation that it caused. I am grateful to God because He kept us all safe even as many people and property perished in the floods. With washed away gravel roads, we
had several days we could not drive in or out of En-Gedi. Thankfully, we keep enough supplies for a few weeks and we could also walk back & forth from where vehicles could reach. All this time, our very delicate children and the caregivers remained super healthy. Our God is indeed faithful and always close to us. Thank you for your prayers and your messages checking on us.

Our plans are to continue to rescue severely disabled children and give them a home full of love and care. Staying with these children has enlightened us about challenges parents, especially mothers, go through in communities filled with stigma and retrogressive beliefs related to disabilities in children. We have plans to expand the “kids” building and put up a Wing B where we will transfer the older children, especially those able to decipher something. When I answer to the call to help a child, I usually bring them to the hospital for assessment, and often, I am often told that they won’t live long, but, the breath of God belongs to Him alone and only Him who knows how long each of the kids will live. Our children are living far beyond the Doctor’s prescribed lifespan and there is now need for another living room. Soon,we will embark on that project.

I appreciate each one of you for being partners with me. I thank God that when He talks to us, we hear his voice and we work together for His glory. May God richly bless you all and may He keep us connected in serving Him while we have the opportunity.

Please pray with us for continued good health of all our children and staff; pray that En-Gedi continues to be an inspiration to many as they witness God’s love and care for children with very special needs.

Thank God for giving us a very supportive
family, both locally and internationally.

I love you all,
Margaret Njuguna Founder/Director
Website: https//www.en-gedichildrenwithhope.org

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ” Col. 3:23 & 24

En-Gedi Children’s Home March 2024 Pictorial update

Our dear friends and co-workers in the Lord’s ministry: receive warm greetings from all of us at En-Gedi Children’s Home.
We cerebrated our Christmas time with a Christmas party where our children participated in cutting and eating a Christmas cake, and all the staff enjoying chef-made luncheon and each taking away a bag full of goodies. Many families, organized groups, Corporate CSR teams
visited us during the Christmas month and made our Christmas a very lively and enjoyable month. Many others who support this ministry daily, weekly, monthly, and periodically were faithful with their support and because of all of you, we have not lacked. God has used you to keep His ministry going. Thank you all for allowing God to use you in His work.

And just before closing into this New Year, we hosted 13 students and 4 adults from south West Minnesota for almost two weeks. They had told me when I visited them earlier in the year that they would come and help us to love God’s children; and they did it so well.

Early February, we also received four ladies from Edgerton, MN. Three of them had visited us couple times before and after two weeks together, they said they would come again.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied
grace” (1 Peter 4:10). “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,
knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving
the Lord Christ” (Col. 3:23-24)
Let’s remain connected to our God in our service to his people. Once again, thank you for
your continued support. May God bless you all and keep you in His care.

Margaret Njuguna
Founder/Director – En-Gedi Children’s Home
P O Box 763-00204, ATHI RIVER, Kenya
Phone: 0710-395-756; 0733-972 027 megnjuguna@gmail.com
Website: https//www.en-gedichildrenwithhope.org


My dear friends and co-workers in the Lord: I do trust that you are all well and enjoying each day the Lord gives you to live. We are grateful to God that all the 25 special children are well and though so limited in their abilities, are all joyfully responding to the love and care that we – together with you all, continue to give them. My biggest joy and encouragement is to see these children smiling, and trying so hard to test their abilities by trying to make movements and to make sounds.
“If anyone serves, he/she should do it with the strength God provides so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever – Amen” 1 Peter 4:11b.

In the last few months, we have hosted several families and groups of people who came for the first time. Many of them had not seen anything like En-Gedi before and some were overcome by emotions seeing severely disabled children healthy, happy and being cared for in a state of the art facility.Testimonies given here affirm the vision of our Home, which states that En-Gedi is, and will continue to be a model for best practices in support and care for children with special needs.

The last couple months we have seen God at work in healing some of the children who had health issues – some which we could not understand and others that we knew to rush to the hospital. One evening,
we went to 4 different health facilities in our town trying to get help for one of our children, but none ofthe facilities was able to fully attend to our child. Finally, I told God to take over and went back home. God used the First Aid pill that I gave to the child and he recovered overnight. Our God is able and always present with us. 

One of my challenges continue to be saying “no” to taking in more children. To many calls to go help out, I painfully refuse to go because I just cannot take them all in. I have to be able to adequately provide for those that I take in. In dire need though, I bow down and rescue one more. Our 25th child is a 2-year-old girl with hydrocephalus who joined the En-Gedi family a couple months ago.

I do not have enough words to thank you all, but I know how to talk to God and my prayer is that God rewards you in His own special way according to His word. Together, we not only give these children the opportunity to live out their full lives, to exploit all possible potentials within them, but we also educate the community on the value of life and how to love and care for special children. If you are one of the many anonymous supporters, God knows you by name and I trust He will bless you in his own way.

Praises and prayer requests:

Praise God for His continued presence with us and His provisions, especially during this hard economic season. Pray that we all remain healthy and at peace. Let’s together pray for the many families struggling to care for disabled children and other relatives in our communities. In a country where we have very limited institutions for people with severe disabilities the struggle is real.

God’s blessings to you all.

Margaret Njuguna


Phone # +254-710-395 756



Greetings dear friends and co-workers in the Lord: God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. I just returned from a two and a half month visit to several States of America where I met with most of my friends and supporters and even made new friends during my travels. I am very grateful to God for helping me achieve 99.9% of my goals. While I was away, my families were all well under the protection of the Almighty God and again, I am very thankful for God’s faithfulness.

My return was an emotional reunion with both the children and the staff – our joy overwhelming. Our God kept them all happy and healthy all through. Thank you for those of you who visited and those who, in various ways, have continued to support En-Gedi Children.

On May 13, a business class from Calvin University USA – my Alma Mater, visited En-Gedi and spent a day sharing their love with the children and the staff. The feedback I got was that they all experienced God’s presence and enjoyed the fellowship at En-Gedi Home. We are always delighted to host those with like minds.

And finally dear beloved, “as each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever”. Amen 1 Peter 4:10 & 11 Prayer Request: Pray that En-Gedi ministry continues to be the model for best practices in the support and care for children with disabilities. Praise God that all the children and the staff are healthy and happy.
I love you all and I thank you for being my friends and co-workers. God’s blessings to all of you.

Margaret Njuguna


Phone # +254-710-395 756; +254-733 972 027

Please continue to support us in whatever way God leads you to. Give me a call or send me an email and I will answer questions you may have.
Note: For those of you who have bought my book: “When God Calls”, I thank you. And for those who would like to buy a copy, you can do so at Naivas Supermarkets books section or on Amazon as an e-book for Kindle. My attention has been called to a bidding error in a few books starting from page 86. If you have one of those, please send me an email and I will replace the book

Wish you a very blessed year.

En-Gedi Children’s Home March 2023 UPDATE

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s
grace in its various forms” – 1 Peter- 4:10. God called me to this ministry of love and mercy and later
gifted me with each one of you – wonderful friends and supporters, and together we serve these
children and many others in our communities. Were it not for your support – like Moses, during the
battle with the Amalekites – Exodus 17:12….my hands would have fallen in fatigue and helplessness.
Your support in various forms, is like Aaron’s and Hur’s hands holding Moses hands up to keep Joshua
and the Israelites army winning. Thank you for being partners with me in this humbling ministry to
special needs children. May our loving and caring God reward you in His own special way.

In Mid-December, a dear brother – Michael Panther and his organization “Living with Hope” visited us
and donated special cerebral palsy wheelchairs to many of our children who didn’t have any
wheelchairs. God has continued to link us up with like-minded organizations for the welfare of His
special children. Glory and honor to Him for divine connections.

During our Christmas Carols Sunday, seven En-Gedi children and 2 of our staff attended our Church and
did a Christmas presentation. Though only 1 child is fluent in speech, the other 6 joined in the singing by
making a joyful noise to our God.

One of our prayer requests is for rain in Kenya. Multiple years of failed rains have rendered havoc in
many parts of the East African region, our country being one of them. I thank God that we have not
lacked water as our borehole supplies enough to use and to grow our own vegetables and fruits – as you
can see in these pictures

Wish you a very blessed year.