Christmas 2015 letter

Greetings from En-Gedi Children’s Home
“I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd”. John
December 2015
Dear co-workers in the Lord,
Firstly, I give all the glory and the Honour to our God who has brought us this far!
Secondly, I would like to thank you all who have been (and those who have recently joined us) part of this ministry that shares God’s love with children otherwise unable to experience love; share God’s light in an area of ministry filled with the darkness of superstitions, myths and stigma – all associated with having children who are abled differently.
As we close the year – the first full calendar year of En-Gedi Children’s Home (we started April 17, 2014), I take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry and Peaceful Christmas as we usher into our lives anew, the birth of the Prince of Peace – our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I also wish for all you a wonderful New Year 2016 and I look forward to continue working together in this ministry of love.
Highlights for the year are thanksgiving and praises to our God and I invite you to join me in saying “thank you” to our God for:
- Healthy year for all our children and staff
- Great improvements in the abilities of our children: 2 boys learned how to sit down on their own (they lay flat on the floor); 4 boys fully potty trained; 1 girl learned to lift herself up a bit in an effort to stand; two boys learned how to mouth some words; children learned how to say simple prayers (2 can talk and others make gestures indicating praying time – trying to close their eyes); children learned how to sing (some just making some joyful noise to Jesus); 2 children learned how to count to at least #10; and all but 3 most severe participated in exercises of building blocks and playtime through the year. Indeed God is good!
- Acquisition of 1 acre of land to build a bigger En-Gedi facility
- A wonderful opportunity to share about God’s image in disability at En-Gedi Home, in the neighbourhood and in some villages from where the children come.
- Visitors to En-Gedi from within Kenya and from other countries near and far
- My first formal training on disability at a Joni & Friends conference in Uganda – sponsored by Elim Christian Services
- My very educative visit to Chicago – courtesy of Elim Christian Services
- My visit to Michigan, Colorado, South Dakota, Minnesota and Washington State – courtesy of all you who ensured that my travels were covered; that I had warm and lovely homes to stay in; that I shared wonderful visits and meals with many of you and that my necessities were all met.
- A very successful launch for a fundraising campaign to build the new En-Gedi facility – courtesy of an anonymous donor who requested us to march his US$50,000 gift. Please feel free to continue to give towards this matching fund and celebrate the beginning of construction early 2016.
- Renewed commitment by a brother who pays current En-Gedi house rent and utilities
- Renewed commitment by a sister who donated and who continues to manage En-Gedi website
- Increased financial support towards En-Gedi ministry
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2016!
Margaret Njuguna
P O Box 763-00204, Athi River, Kenya (